The app making fitting in easier

A community centered around you


We're on a mission

To bring you a platform promoting socializing and learning something new, in a community where you FIT in.

Discover new groups

With your interests and preferred activities in hand, we will recommend groups you can join in your area!

Meet new people

Breaking the ice is easy as you are given the chance to connect with individuals with whom you share groups and interests in common.

Get out there and socialize!

Your groups will keep you in the loop but it's up to you to answer the call,

Your Profile

Create your unique profile

A series of prompts will guide you through.

Along with your name, age and gender identification we are interested in knowing more about you!

What makes you tick?

How do you like to spend your time? What activities do you enjoy doing?


Discover new groups

We've made it easy for you

As simple as swiping through all the suggested groups that will pop up on your feed, finding one that peaks your interest and requesting to join.

Join and Meetup

Once accepted, you are free to tag in to each one of their meetups and events and enhance your interests/skills.


Connect with people

No awkward moments here! The ice is fully broken as you will be able to make meaningful connections with people you may already know through your mutual interests and the groups you share in common!

Read More
Meet Up

Stay in the loop

Never miss a meet-up

Never be left in the lurch with the proactive notifications from groups, that will make sure you never miss an exciting, interesting or awesome event or gathering!

Get notified and RSVP

Once you get a notification, you can RSVP to let the organizers know you are coming (so don’t bail).

It's so easy

Get Started today

Create an Account
Setup your Profile
Start Fitting in

Our users love it

“Eu sed sed a magna pellentesque interdum neque, amet. Fusce a risus faucibus nunc eget quam feugiat metus. Laoreet donec.”

Cody Fisher

“Amet nascetur ultrices malesuada tempor vitae. At a velit nec nulla iaculis viverra porttitor massa. Egestas velit.”

Jaheim Philip

Porttitor pretium fermentum, porttitor non, et facilisi fringilla. Proin donec et suspendisse sed. Velit et dui sed tempor. Vel dignissim sed quam egestas id elit tellus.

Alayna Singleton

“Consequat amet consequat, risus lacinia vel porttitor egestas. Blandit nisl mi donec eros, mus molestie at ac. Augue viverra nam ipsum nisl turpis natoque hac. Faucibus.”

Maya Robins

“Interdum purus ultrices viverra in sem volutpat donec. Pellentesque lobortis in lacus tincidunt.”

Harriette Conway

“Donec sed sit enim sit condimentum pretium aliquam laoreet. Eros, pretium auctor donec proin cursus diam amet. Lectus montes, a egestas viverra in. Magna consectetur.”

Myah Peck